Joshua Kern

San Francisco, CA 94303 · (650) 533-5627 ·

I'm a data scientist turned software developer experienced in building dynamic single page web applications in JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, React and HTML/CSS.


More S'mores

more s'mores

More S'mores is a fullstack clone of Hip Camp, a camping guide website. Built using Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, AWS, and Webpack

Live Link | GitHub



Starscape is a game of avoidance. Avoid stars as they fall from the sky and see how long through the night you can survive! Built using Javascript, HTML5 Canvas, and Webpack.

Live Link | GitHub



Social-Q's is an app to gamify social question games. Users can submit or answer questions. Upon answering results of the questions past answers are visualized to show results across various age and gender demographics. Built using MongoDB, Express, React, Redux, Node.js, HTML5, CSS3, Chart.js, and Webpack.

Live Link | GitHub


Other Tools


Product Data Analyst

Visible Mobile

Managed team to develop Tableau dashboards covering digital marketing campaign performance. Developed forecasting models presented to executive level. Worked alongside product managers with funnel analysis to guide product strategy and enhance funnel performance increasing visitor conversion rate by 30%. Analyzed out of home campaign performance to determine ROI value and advise locations of future installations around the country.

Oct 2018 - Feb 2019

Marketing Data Scientist

DISH Network

Developed acquisition targeting models leading to 25% lift in direct response performance. Leveraged US household demographic data to classify zip codes by profitibility resulting in new subscriber credit increase by 100 points YoY. Researched credit rescore initiative to determine strategy effectively reducing non pay behavior of high quality subscrivers by 25%, additionaly presented project in key learnings presentation across multiple departments in oprganization.

Aug 2017 - Oct 2018

Data Analyst / Developer II

DISH Network

Led implementation of new campaign management tool, increasing team efficiencies by 50% through enablement of campaign automation across various marketing channels. Developed automation process to collect digital marketing data across multiple sources, merging them into central data mart enabling efficient tool to compare campaigns for campaign optimizations.

Aug 2016 - Aug 2017


App Academy

Immersive software development course with focus on full stack web development


University of Denver Daniels College of Business

Bachelor of Science Business Administration
Business Information and Analytics


Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy most of my time being in the mounts. In the winter I can be found skiing while during warmer months I'm often mountain biking or rock climbing.

When I can't be as active, I enjoy photography and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world.